academia | conferences and papers (selection)


DACH-Tagung Militärethik 2024
Luzern (CH), 03.-06.09.2024
Presentation on "Medizinisches Enhancement in der Militärmedizin Technologien gegen das Sterben – oder Technologien als Risiko für das klassische Berufsethos?"

EuroISME Annual Conference
Tallinn (Estonia), 22-24 May 2024
Presentation on "'Challenging Perspectives'. Game-based training in military medical ethics."

13th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethics
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Ethics in Military and Humanitarian Healthcare
Hybrid Workshop, hosted from Jongny s/ Vevey (CH) 20.-22.06.2024
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Moderation of the workshop

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Magglingen (CH) 07.-11.04.2024
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL" (Hybrid course)
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

Lecturer at Political Ethics Module of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich, 25.10.2024
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen und das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung.


12th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethics
Medical Neutrality in Theory and Practice
Hybrid Workshop, hosted from Spiez (CH) 15.-17.06.2023
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Moderation of the workshop

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 03.-07.09.2023
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL" (Hybrid course)
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.


44th ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine
Brussels, 05-09 September 2022
Presentation on "Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Responses to Disasters and Armed Conflicts"

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 28.08.-01.09.2022
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL" (Hybrid course)
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

11th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethics
The Future of Military Health Care – Utopian and Dystopian Prospects on the Role of (Military) Health Care Providers
Hybrid Workshop, hosted from Spiez (CH) 16.-18.06.2022
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Moderation of the workshop
(iii) Presentation on "Mixed roles and mixed obligations revisited . How new technologies may overload (the role of) military HCP and when to say ‘No?"

EuroISME Annual Conference
Budapest, 18-20 May 2022
Presentation on "Ethical challenges for military HCP in Human Medical Enhancement"
Panelist in a session on "New technologies and the enhanced soldier: what ethical limits for European nations?"

Webinar of the Asian Collaboration for Trauma Interactive Virtual Encounters 
Presentation on "Ethical Issues Regarding Humanitarian Responses in Disasters and Armed Conflicts"

8e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 18 fev 2022
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire. Analyse de Cas

Lecturer at Political Ethics Module of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen und das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung.


TIDE Sprint #38 Medical Track, organized by NATO ACT.
Online Workshop, 25-29 October 2021
Presentation on "To Enhance or Not To Enhance? The ethics of Cognitive Warfare/Human Enhancement"

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict,
Virtual Classroom course (CH) 30.08.-03.09.2021
Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics in Times of Armed Conflict'

10th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethics
Online Workshop, hosted from Zurich (CH) 26.-28.04.2021
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Moderation of the online workshop
(iii) Presentation on "Ethical justifications for preferential treatment provisions?"

Workshop on “Biosensors supporting Healthcare in Missions”, organized by the "Multinational Medical Coordination Centre /
European Medical Command"
Online Workshop, 18.-20.05.2021
Presentation on "Ethical issues related to the use of biosensors in military health care during deployment"


LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict,
Virtual Classroom course (CH) 31.08.-04.09.2020
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics in Times of Armed Conflict"

10th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen, 07.-09.05.2020
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
–– cancelled due to COVID 19 travel restrictions ––


7e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 6.12.2019
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire Analyse de Cas

Journée d'études Le soldat augmenté : une réflexion éthique européenne. Paris (F) 16.10.2019
Discussant in panel discussion.

Vortrag im Kolloquium am Ethikzentrum der Universität Zürich, 21.10.2019
Titel: Medizinische Neutralität unter Beschuss

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 01.-05.2019
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

43rd ICMM World Congress, 19.-24.05.2019, Basel (CH)
(i) Member of the Congress Scientific Committee
(ii) Chair of the Plenary Session on Military Medical Ethics

9th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Congress Center Basel, 19.-24.05.2019
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop

Workshop with COMEDS Military Health Care Working Group. Budapest (H), 26.-27.02.2019
Project on e-Learning in Military Medical Ethics


zebis-Symposium "Moral Injury – Moralische Verletzung", 28.11.2018, Kath Akademie München
Co-Leiter Arbeitsgruppe "Moral Injury verhindern durch Wissen um auslösende Situationen und Faktoren. Ethische und juristische Prinzipien im Sanitätsdienst"

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 26.-30.08.2018
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

8th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 04.-06.05.2018
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop

Lecturer at Political Ethics Module of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich, 20.04.2018.
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen und das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung.


6e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 7.12.2017
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire Analyse de Cas

42nd ICMM World Congress, New Delhi, 19-24.11.2017
Talk: The role and ethical obligations of (military) health care providers during armed conflict

Fortbildung für medizinisches Personal Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus, Koblenz, 12.10.2017
Vortrag und Diskussionsleitung zum Thema Ethik zwischen Medizin und Militär.
Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem zebis (Bericht des zebis)

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 20.-24.08.2017
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

7th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 04.-06.05.2017
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop


Konsultationsprozess "Orientierungswissen zum gerechten Frieden". Mitglied in AG2. Erstes Treffen 08./09.12.2016. FEST Heidelberg.
Vortrag/ Inputreferat zum Gewaltbegriff in der Philosophie.

Atelier sur la protection des soins de santé en période de conflit armé et autres situations d’urgences.
Organisé par le CICR. Dakar, Sénégal, 28 & 29 novembre 2016

zebis Symposium "Neue Herausforderungen – alter Konflikt? Zwischen Mediziner- und Soldatenethos". München, 14.11.2016.
(i) Co-Organiser
(ii) Co-Leiter Arbeitsgruppe "Selbstverständnis des Sanitätsdienstes - legale und ethische Rahmenbedingungen"

Journalismus-Tag 2016 des Vereins Qualität im Journalismus
Panel-Discussant Wider die Propaganda der Angst. Über Terror und Amok sachgerecht berichten. Winterthur, 2.11.2016

Lecturer at NATO School Oberammergau during "NATO Senior Medical Staff Officer Course". Oberammergau, 25.10.2016
Introductory session to Military Medical Ethics

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 19.-25.08.2016
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

Lecturer at Military Academy at ETH Zurich MILAC, WAL-2, Birmensdorf 01.06.2016
Medizinethik im Konflikt.

International Society for Military Ethics in Europe. Annual conference, Oslo (Norway) 22.-25.05.2016
Talk: Medical care during armed conflict: Peace during war or contribution to a threat?

6th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 19.-21.05.2016
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Plenary presentation on the MME Case/ Scenario Collection Database

Lecturer at Military Academy at ETH Zurich MILAC, ZAL-2, Birmensdorf 26.04.2016
Vom „gerechten Krieg“ zur „Responsibility to Protect“ (RtoP). Entwicklungen der Idee vom „gerechten Krieg“

Lecturer at Political Ethics Module of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich, 29.04.2016.
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen und das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung.

5e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 22.04.2016
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire Analyse de Cas


Lecturer at Military Academy at ETH Zurich MILAC, ZAL-2, Birmensdorf 24.09.2015
Ethische Herausfoderungen für Militärmediziner

Joint Workshop on Miltary Medical Ethics by COEMED and ICMM Center of Reference for Education
Munich, Sanitätsakademie, 14-16.09.2015
(i) Co-organiser, moderator
(ii) Plenary presentation on relevant existing professional ethics codes

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 14.-21.08.2015
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

4e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 05.06.2015
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire Analyse de Cas

European Master of Disaster Medicine (EMDM)
Residential course, Novara (Italy) 27.05.2015
Session co-leader: Ethics in Disasters Medicine. Introduction to Biomedical Ethics & Ethical Case Analysis

5th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 07.-09.05.2015
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop


COMEDS (Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in Nato. Plenary Session, Brussels, Nato HQ, 19.11.2014
Report: Ethical Aspects of Medical Age Estimation in Living Individuals

3e Session du Cours Régional sur le DIH et de l’Ethique. Tunis, 12.10.2014
Session leader: Ethique en médecine militaire. Introduction à l’Ethique Médicale Militaire Analyse de Cas

zebis Symposium "Den Gegner retten?". München, 6.10.2014.
(i) Co-Organiser
(ii) Talk and Discussion: Ärzte als Soldaten? Eine Fallstudie zur doppelten Rolle des Sanitätspersonals

Ausbildungsveranstaltung für Militärseelsorger der Schweizer Armee. Le Bouveret, 12.09.2014
Talk: Idee, Tradition und heutige Relevanz des "gerechten Krieges"

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 14.-21.08.2014
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

31. Internationale ÖSFK-Sommer-Akademie Friedensburg Schlaining. 07.07.2014
Talk: Militanter Moralismus? 
Militär-Ethik und Tradition des "gerechten Krieges"

4th ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict.
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 24.04.-26.04.2014.
(i) Scientific Coordination of the Workshop
(ii) Introduction and moderation of working session on "Age Estimation during Missions"

Lecturer at Political Ethics Module of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich, 11.04.2014.
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen und das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung.

Workshop of the Foreign Policy and Global Health Network, and of the Humanitarian initiative for protection of health facilities and personnel
Thema: Public Health Impact of Attacks against Health Workers
Organized by permanent mission of Norway in Geneva, 26.02.2014.
Presentation: Preventive Measures to Protect Health Care Activities

Invited Talk: "Medizin, Militär, Ethik und Recht. Eine Einführung in die Medizinethik und deren Besonderheiten in militärischen Kontexten"
"Stabskurs" of the Swiss Armed Forces, Kaserne Moudon, 13.02.2014.

Meeting: Health Care in conflicts and situations of violence: Ethical challenges
Organized by the ICRC/ HCiD, Geneva, 6./7.02.2014.
Presentation of the activities of the ICMM Reference Centre for Education of IHL and Ethics


From Humanity to complicity? Ethical duties and dilemmas of humanitarian action in wars armed conflicts.
ICRC/ Brocher Foundation Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 4./5. November 2013.
Talk: Ethics, Violence and Armed Conflict. Intervention and R2P – military humanitarian action?

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 16.-23.08.2013
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Military Medical Ethics and IHL"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics.

Treffen der operativen Arbeitsgruppe des zebis, Berlin 5.06.2013
Vortrag zu ethischer Entscheidungsfindung

Society for Applied Philosophy  Annual Conference 2013, University of Zurich, 28-30 June 2013.
Talk: Military Medical Ethics?

European Chapter of the International Society for Military Ethics conference, Amsterdam (NL) 02.-03.05.2013
Talk: Physician or Soldier - Medical officers between roles and moral obligations (Panel on Military Medical Ethics)

Scientific Kick-Off Meeing of the COST Action IS1201 on Disaster Bioethics, Dublin (IRL) 25.-26.04.2013

3rd ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and ConflictForum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 18.04.-20.04.2013.
(i) Scientific Coordinator of the workshop

(ii) Talk: Mercy Killing - Moral Aspect

Alumni-Meeting of ASAE (Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics), 18.03.2013, Zürich
Presentation and discussion: Responsibility to Protect

Berliner Werkstattgespräch der Sozialethiker(innen). 27.02.2013 in der katholischen Akademie Berlin.
Talk: CIMIC - Chance oder Risiko zur Lösung von Konflikten in den "neuen Kriegen"?


Vortrag im Kolloquium des Philosophischen Instituts an der Universität Luzern, 23.10.2012
Die Tradition des "gerechten Krieges" in der Idee der "Responsibility to Protect"

LOAC-ICMM – International Course on the Law of Armed Conflict, Spiez (CH) 24.-31.08.2012
(i) Conception and Co-Teaching of the Course "Advanced Course on IHL and Military Medical Ethics"
(ii) Plenary Talk: An Introduction to Military Medical Ethics."

Pacifism. ILECS Conference Series, Belgrad, 21.-23.06.2012
Talk: Physicians at War: Betraying a Pacifist Professional Ethos?

2nd annual Euro International Society for Military Ethics conference, Shrivenham (UK) 14.-15.06.2012

2nd ICMM Pan European Congress on Military Medicine, Amsterdam (NL) 4.-8.06.2012
Talk: Ethical Reflections on the role of the medical officer.

Vortrag im Rahmen einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung für katholische und evangelische Militärseelsorger/innen, Essen 23.05.2012.
Titel: Ein Schema ethischer Entscheidungsfindung. Beispielhaft vorgestellt an der Tötung Bin Ladens.

Vorlesungen im Rahmen des Weiterbildungsstudigenganges Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. Zürich, 4.05.2012.
Tradition des gerechten Krieges/ Humanitäre Interventionen.

2nd ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict
Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen 19.04.-21.04.2012.
(i) Scientific Coordinato of the Workshop.
(ii) Talk: Ethical Reflections on the role of the medical officer.

Vortrag im Kolloquium am Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik (Zürich), 23.02.2012
Titel: Military Medical Ethics


Vortrag am Zentrum für ethische Bildung in den Streitkräften (zebis)
Die Tötung Osama bin Ladens. Eine Fallstudie in ethischer Entscheidungsfindung. (Erarbeitet mit Prof. M. Huppenbauer)
Berlin, 9.11.2011

Vortrag im Kolloquium am Ethikzentrum der Universität Zürich, 26.09.2011
Titel: Militärmedizinische Ethik? - Wie passen die Berufe des Arztes und des Soldaten zusammen?

6th ECPR General Conference, Reyjavik 25.-27.08.2011
Talk: Readjusting Theory: From Just War to Just Violence

LOAC-ICMM – Internationaler Kurs über Kriegsvölkerrecht, Spiez (CH) 18.-25.08.2011
Talk: Military Medical Ethics. Experience from the 1st ICMM Workshop and a Framework for Decision Making

Euro-ISME Conference "Ethics and Alliances, Military Ethics". Paris, 16.-17.06.2011.

1st ICMM Workshop on on Military Medical Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Missions and Conflict
Forum Lilienerg, Ermatingen 31.03.-02.04.2011.
Scientific Coordinator of the Workshop.


Vortrag im Kolloquium am Ethikzentrum der Universität Zürich, 08.11.2010
Titel: Zum Begriff interpersonaler Gewalt und ihrer Rechtfertigung (Dissertation)

LOAC-ICMM – Internationaler Kurs über Kriegsvölkerrecht, Spiez (CH) 19.-27.08.2010
Talk: Just War Theory. A Philosophical Idea and the Limits of its Application


Vortrag im Philosophischen Kolloqium des Instituts für Philosphie, Leipzig, 04.11.2009
Titel: Zu einem Begriff interpersonaler Gewalt

5th ECPR General Conference, Potsdam 10.-12.09.2009
Talk: Terrorism as collective violence. Moral questions

Workshop des Netzwerk Terrorismusforschung, Erfurt 26.-27.06.2009
Eigener Vortrag: Gewalt als Verletzung moralischer Rechte


Lehrerfortbildung: 2 Vorträge zu den Themen "Terrorismus - Kontinuität und Wandel" sowie "Terrorismusbekämpfung - Anforderungen und Umsetzung" im Rahmen der Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Netzwerk Gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Profil (SBI) am 29.01.2008 in Chemnitz


Vortrag zum Thema "Gerechter Krieg" in der Vorlesung "Einführung in die Sozial- und Rechtsphilosphie" (U. Wessels) an der Uni Bayreuth, 19.12.2007

Vortrag im Gesprächskreis Ethik und Philosophie in der Schule des Instituts für Philosophie der Uni Leipzig.
Thema: "Gerechte Kriege" als Unterrichtsthema. Leipzig, 13.07.2007

Tagung des AK Theorie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Loccum, 5.-7.07.2007
Eigener Vortrag: «Gewalt» aus philosophischer Perspektive – grundlegende Überlegungen

Gründungstagung des Netzwerk Terrorismusforschung, Berlin, 29.-30.06.2007
Eigener Vortrag: Überlegungen zum philosophischen Gewaltbegriff

Doktorandenforum der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Arnoldshain, 13.-16.05.2007
Eigener Vortrag: Was ist Gewalt?


Doktorandenforum der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 3.-6.12.2006, Göttingen

Terrorism: Moral, Legal and Political Issues. ILECS Conference Series, Belgrad, 23.-25.06.2006
Talk: Terrorist Violence as Collective Violence. Implications for moral considerations.


Les normes internationales au 21e siècle. IEP in Aix-en-Provence (Frankreich), 11.-14.09.2003
Présentation: Réflexions morales sur la lutte antiterroriste.


Ethics of Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism. ZiF Bielefeld, 28.-30.10.2002
Protokollant der Diskussionen

Humanitarian Interventions ./. Ethics. ZiF Bielefeld, 9.-12.01.2002