academia | teaching
I have been teaching since 2004 both at the universities of Leipzig and Zurich and in various non-academic contexts. You can find a list of the most important teaching obligations below.
Non-academic teaching (selection)
- 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Conception of the Curriculum and Co-Teacher
ICMM Course on Miltary Medical Ethics in Times of Armed Conflict
Organised by the ICMM Reference Centre of Education of IHL and Ethics. - 2015, 2017, 2018 Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für medizinisches Personal der Bundeswehr. In Kooperation mit der Sanitätsakademie München, dem Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus Koblenz, und dem zebis Hamburg.
- Since 2013: Several 1/2 or 1-day sessions on Military Medical Ethics during IHL courses of ICMM.
- 2015/2016: Lecturer (selected events) at Military Academy at ETH Zurich MILAC
- 2012: Advanced training for military chaplains. Lectures on Just War Theory.
Organised by Katholisches Militärbischofsamt (Berlin)
Teaching at the University of Zurich
- 2023: Seminar "The ethics of life and death" (Together with Philipp Reichling)
- 2019, 2020, 2021: Lecturer basic course for medical students in medical ethics (Grundlagen der Medizinethik)
- 2012, 2014, and 2016, 2019, 2020 2022: Lecturer at the continuing education curriculum Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics
Module: Political Philosophy (Just War Theory and Humanitarian Interventions) - 2011-2014, 2019 Tutor at the continuing education curriculum Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics
Modules: Bioethics, Clinical Ethics, Metaethics, Ethics in Finance
Teaching at the University of Leipzig
- Summer 2009 (MA)
Universeller Präskriptivismus (R.M. Hare)
--> Moral philosophy of R.M. Hare - Winter 2008/09 (MA)
Kollektive moralische Verantwortung
--> Collective moral responsibility - Summer 2008 (MA)
Philosophische Perspektiven auf Gewalt und ihre Legitimation
--> Violence and its moral evaluation - Winter 2007/08 (BA)
Umkämpfte Begriffe der politischen Philosophie
--> Introduction to political philosohpy - Summer 2006 (BA)
Terror und Gegenterror (together with Prof. Dr. G. Meggle)
--> Ethics of terrorism and counterterrorism - Summer 2005 (BA)
R.M. Hare: Freiheit und Vernunft
--> Introduction to the moral philosophy of R.M. Hare - Winter 2004/05 (BA)
Gerechte und humanitäre Kriege
--> Introduction to Just War Theory and its application to Humanitarian Interventions