
“Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see.”
― Charles A. Lindbergh

"Je vole car cela libère mon esprit de la tyrannie des choses insignifiantes."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I started learning paragliding in 2013 and since my first small flights I've been fascinated by the experience of flying, feeling the air move around me, looking at the world from above and feeling the ground again after a short or long moment in the air. even though every flight is a great experience, some unforgettable moments in the air have been flying over marmolada in the dolomites, toplanding after a return flight on the plateau above panchgani (india) or just a short top-to-bottom flight after a beautiful hike up a mountain. i am looking forward to many more such experiences.

paragliding instructor

I am a paragliding instructor working with robair gleitschirmschule.

biplace pilot (in formation)

Since 2024 I am also learning to fly a biplace paraglider and will be able to share the experience of flying at some point in 2025.


faderliecht logo2

in 2017, out of a spontaneous idea, we created our first t-shirt with a paragliding motive. soon, a second motive was painted and we decided to offer the t.shirts to others well. the idea of fäderliecht (Swissgerman for "featherlight") was born and has since then evolved.

we continued to develop the idea of offering paragliding pilots other products that we had developed, such as our logbook with an analysis and (self-)learning tool, a wall calendar and the playing cards with Swiss paragliding sites, all of which can be bought in our small shop.
it remains somewhat a hobby, but with a lot of time and energy invested in :-)

explore fäderliecht at
instagram feed at